Monday, August 1, 2011

Boutique Cake Domes

As previously mentioned, I suffer from HE.

 Heirloom Envy.

You know... 
the longing for old fashioned things
lovingly used and passed on.


I soothe my inner ache for handed downs 
both to use 
and to pass down 
Baby Girl 
my 3 
someday daughters.


Since there are going to be 
4 girls 
to pass on goodies to, 
I have AMPLE reason to 
make a lot of them!

Who will may love them too.


Here is the newest one in our collection.

One Goodwill Cake Dome with flat top

Possible tops from the button collection,
cut from vintage clothing from Garage Sales.

The Winner

Several generous dollops of waterproof glue

Wait 24 hours 
instant heirloom

See my tutorial to make the cake stands here